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Diego Julián Fuerte Pinzón
TAX Manager

Diego Julián Fuerte Pinzón

Public Accountant from Universidad Central, and Specialist in Tax Management and Administration from Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Tax Manager at Grant Thornton Firm, currently responsible for providing Tax support for the BPS area in all the country, attending to client tax queries, the processes of refunds of Balances in favor and excess payments of taxes, and likewise, the Tax compliance line for Industry and Commerce Tax (ICA).

With more than 18 years of progressive and successful professional experience in tax matters and Exchanges aspects in different   companies, business groups, and tax service firms such as Gran Tierra Energy, BDO Colombia, and Auxadi. Additionally, has complemented their studies through diplomas, seminars, and courses in IFRS, tax legislation and updates, exchanges legislation, exogenous information, US GAAPs, and SOX Controls.

Diego Julián Fuerte Pinzón
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TAX Manager
Diego Julián Fuerte Pinzón
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